104. New Feature – Score variable and improvement of displaying variables. 2022.04.14 07:52:00

New Feature – Score variable and improvement of displaying variables.

You can insert score variable for a question with score. Question types in which score variables can be inserted are as follows.

  • Scored Single Choice, Multiple Choice, Dropdown, Media Single Choice, Media Multiple Choice, Matrix Single Choice, Matrix Multiple Choice.
  • Scale, NPS, and Rating.

In the case of a Matrix question, both the scores obtained by the sub-question and the scores obtained by the main question can be inserted. The scores earned by the main questions are the sum of the scores earned by the sub-questions.

The method of displaying variables in the text input box when editing a form has been improved. Until now, when a variable was inserted, the block ID of the variable was displayed on the questionnaire screen, but only the (piping) icon was displayed in the text input window. It is now displayed as the block ID of the variable in the text input window for more convenient use.

Thank you.
